
Upanishad ganga all episode download
Upanishad ganga all episode download

Through this serial the entre Vedic culture is also presented. The Upanishad Ganga is a television serial in Hindi of 52 episodes depicting in an audio–visual format the essence of the Upanishadic teaching as well as the hoary cultural, intellectual, and knowledge traditions of India. The Vedic Culture is in troduced in the initialepisodes (1-4).Then cultural values at the levels of the individual and the society are presented in the following 18 episodes (5-22).After thus establishing the cultural basis and ethos, theentire Upanishadic Wisdomis the npresented in the next 20 episodes(23-42).The practical steps that could be taken to actualize this wisdominone’slifeare then elaborated in the next.nine episodes (43-51).The last episode is an expression of gratefulness for this wisdom which has made India proud, noble, and admired the worldover. Upanishadic concepts which have been knitted into one string of 52 episodes.

Upanishad ganga all episode download