
Fei yi ching
Fei yi ching

Use to stop bleeding from the nose or swollen gums due to excess heat. Use to relieve constipation due to heat in the large intestine (reddish urine may also be present). Use to relieveswollen, painful sore throat mouth or nose sore toothache or boil. Source: Shou Shi Bao Yuan (Longevity and Health), Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 Function: Clear lung heat reduce rising fire, stop cough, promote increase in body fluids Application: use to relievecough with abundant thick yellow sputum due to lung heat. Also useful for mouth sores, bleeding gums due to heat, and toothache. Use for lung heat with phlegm aggrevated by liver fire, with symptoms of yellow phlegm (profuse or sticky), dry or raspy cough, sore throat, fever, concentrated urine and constipation. It has also gained traction in the Asian diaspora, as young Chinese Americans challenge their immigrant parents to read the lyrics without singing it out loud - but of course, because Fei’s song was so widely known among older generations of Mandarin speakers, they couldn’t help it.Removes heat from lungs and liver, clears phlegm-heat and toxic heat, moistens lungs and throat. Zhang’s video had some 3 million views on Kwai. Owing to the boredom of quarantine, the meme gained mainstream popularity by the end of May. Viewers abroad soon picked up the 10-second clip and uploaded it to YouTube - and later Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. With an egg-shaped head, Zhang’s unusual appearance has landed him a career in acting, as well as the nickname Duck Egg - or as he calls himself, Brother Egg. It all began with Zhang Aiqin, a livestreamer on Chinese short video platform Kwai, who recorded himself singing the tune in heavy snow back in January. The 37-year-old Mandarin classic is, in fact, ranked one of the most viral songs on Spotify in Sweden, New Zealand, and Norway right now, with countless memes on social media from Gen-Z “fans.”īut how? The emergence of the meme was, like most TikTok sensations, random and weird. Though Fei bid farewell to his audience when he retired in November, marking the end of his 47 year-long career, he would never have imagined the song to become a global internet sensation in just a few months. Beginning with a romantic line, “xue hua piao piao / bei feng xiao xiao,” the lyrics roughly translate to “the snowflakes flutter / the north wind blows.” Over decades, the tune has been widely popularized in the Chinese-speaking world, as Taiwanese singer Fei Yu-ching grew to become a household name in both Taiwan as well as mainland China. Thanks to TikTok, a Mandarin language song from the ’80s is now bringing together Chinese aunties and Norwegian teens.Ī 1983 classic, “Yi Jian Mei 一剪梅” - literally “A Spray of Plum Blossoms” - was originally the theme song for a namesake Taiwanese TV drama series.

Fei yi ching